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Nero Page 8

  “Anything you want to tell me, baby?” he asked in a soft, menacing voice.

  She just shook her head. Her eyes glazed over. It took everything in him not to strangle her. Releasing her hand, he grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. “I want you to go upstairs and remain there. The only thing that is saving your life at the moment is the child in your stomach,” he told her coldly.

  The sight of her disgusted him.

  She didn’t say one word or give any other sign that she had heard him—she simply turned and left the room. Turning back to the video, Nero couldn’t help watching. He watched as his wife whored herself to his brother time and again, for hours. Hour after hour he watched. He would have watched all night if it hadn’t been for the screams.

  “Nero! Nero!” Rose screamed his name again and again.

  Breaking himself away from the trance he was in, he raced up the stairs. He followed the pounding and screams to his bedroom. Rushing in, Nero found Rose at the bathroom door. Water spilled from under it, soaking the carpet. Heart pounding, Nero pulled Rose away from the door. Reaching out, he gripped the knob. When it wouldn’t turn he slammed it so hard with his shoulder that it splintered. Water rushed out around his feet. Going in, he fell to his knees beside the tub.

  “No, baby. No. Please, baby. Wake up. Please, baby,” Nero begged as he pulled Jenny’s body against his and out of the tub.

  Red-tinged water fell from her lifeless form. Helplessly, he slid to the floor and rocked her body. He could hear others around him yelling out orders, but they meant nothing. Nothing could be done.

  Chapter 12

  Staring out the window of his office, Nero felt nothing. Jenny’s funeral was a quiet affair. Her suicide was like a stain that kept spreading, especially when tests revealed that the baby hadn’t been his, but a close relative’s. Just like everything else in his life, Enzo had destroyed his marriage. Her betrayal with Enzo burned through him like cold fire. It fed his discontent.

  There was no warning that he wasn’t alone—not a whisper of a sound. Yet somehow when she spoke, he wasn’t surprised.

  “Will you be giving up, Nero? Will you turn to your bottles and whores once again?”

  Turning to face her, he was once again struck by her beauty. She was older now, and everything about her screamed “woman.” She was an angel. Only her eyes gave away the truth.

  “Why have you come?”

  A dangerous amusement played across her face and leaked into her voice. “Haven’t you been searching for me, Nero? Hasn’t your man Matteo been asking questions that should never have been asked?”

  “I didn’t know that it was you I would find.”

  “Don’t lie, Nero. It’s unbecoming.”

  “I was trying to get ahead of Enzo’s acquisition process; your actives have been facilitating them.”

  “Understandable. Actually, I’m surprised that you didn’t put it together sooner,” she said as she walked to the couch. Tension filled him as she moved. Smiling at him knowingly, she sat and then indicated the chair across from her. “Sit, Nero. We have much to discuss. At the moment, I have no plans to kill you, so relax. What I came to discuss is not your rude inquires, but your wife. And what is to come.”

  “My wife is none of your concern.”

  “I came to speak to you about your wife—and Enzo,” she said, not at all deterred by the coldness of his words.

  “How do you know about my wife and Enzo? How do you know that my wife was fucking Enzo?”

  “She wasn’t doing it by choice.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Not by choice means exactly that, Nero. Your wife did not fuck Enzo by choice.”

  Rage boiled in his blood as vivid images flashed before his eyes. Heedless of the potential consequences, he got in her face.

  “He fucking taped it. Videos of him and Jenny together—and she appeared to be having a good fucking time. She didn’t deny it when I confronted her, didn’t say anything. The child wasn’t even mine,” he growled.

  He wanted nothing more than to reach out and strangle her, to take out the rage that consumed him on her.

  Unfazed by his closeness, pity flashed in her eyes. It left so quickly, though, that he wasn’t sure if it had just been a trick of the light.

  “Appeared is the right word. She was drugged, Nero. Drugged and raped.” Her words stung like a slap, but she didn’t stop. “I see in your eyes that you don’t believe me. You do not believe me because you don’t want to. You do not want to believe me because if Jenny was raped, then it means you didn’t do your job—you were supposed to protect her. If Jenny was raped, then it would be just like your mother all over again. It’s so much easier to believe that she betrayed you.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “No, Nero. I’m not. It happened when Jenny went to visit her cousin. The whole thing was a setup, arranged by the cousin’s husband. He was paid very handsomely for betraying you.”

  “Why are you telling me this? Why are you telling me this now, when I can do nothing? Did you come here to break me? To destroy me?”

  “No, Nero. I’ve come to help you.”

  “How the fuck does this help me? How the fuck does it help me to know I betrayed the woman I loved and drove her to suicide? How the fuck does it help me? Tell me! How the fuck does it help me to have to live with another thing that I can’t fix? How the fuck does it help to know that I’ve now failed every person that I have ever loved?” he yelled.

  God, what have I done? She must be lying. It can’t be true. None of this can be true.

  Falling into a chair, he dropped his face into his hands.

  There’s nothing left. Nothing to live for.

  “You’re wrong, Nero. There is something left to live for—vengeance.”

  Opening his eyes again, he let is hands fall away. He looked at the woman before him. “Are you Angelica Gagliardi?”

  “I haven’t been Angelica Gagliardi in a long time. Angelica Gagliardi died in a fire,” she said quietly, looking out the windows.

  “What did my father and brother do to your family? Why are you like this?”

  “The truth is just a perception, Nero. My version of that night and the events that followed are much different than what others who survived that night believe to be the truth.”

  “What is your truth?”

  “My truth, Nero, is something that must never be repeated. My truth, should you ever share it, would mean the complete genocide of your family—because it would also mean the death of mine. That’s what it means to learn my truth, Nero. Do you want it? Can you handle having it, knowing that if you ever—even by mistake—whisper one word, it would mean the death of everything and everyone around you?”

  “Tell me.”

  “My mother and I had been sent to stay with my father’s beloved brother Lorenzo. My father was supposed to join us later. I was speaking with my father on the phone at the very moment of his death. I heard the shot that ended his life. In fear, I raced for help, but what I found was horror. My uncle had made a play to seize control of our family. He knew that he couldn’t take on my father alone, so he had gathered allies. He promised many things to those depraved men. Two of the things he promised were my mother and myself.” She turned away from the window and captured his eyes with hers. Nothingness filled them as she began to speak again. The words turned his stomach. “I was forced to watch as man after man gang-raped my mother. Hour after hour, I watched until my once-beautiful mother was all used up. Your father was the one I was given to. Before that night was over, though, I killed your father and my uncle. Then I set fire to the house and escaped.”

  “Why did you allow everyone think you were dead?”

  “I allowed my family to believe that I died in that fire because I knew that, if I was found alive, those who had been there that night would have had no choice but to attack if they wanted any chance to live. I knew that my being alive would mean more
death for my family. And being dead also allowed me a freedom that I would never been given if I was alive. It has allowed me to hunt down and bring justice to everyone who was there that night. Each time I stand before one of those men and they realize who I am and why I am there, they know that none of us can escape the past.”

  “What does Enzo have to do with this? He was only a teenager when it happened.”

  “Your brother, Nero, is the only one who knows I didn’t die that night. He became obsessed with me. His obsession has grown into something as sick and twisted as he is. In his mind, I am his perfect match. He wishes to marry me so that I can breed his heirs.”

  “So why does he allow you to kill?”

  “He calls it my ‘hobby.’ He believes that once I am finished taking revenge, he will have enough power to control me. He doesn’t see the truth. He doesn’t see that I am an instrument of death and that I will come for him too.”

  “Why haven’t you killed him yet?”

  “Because he may also be the instrument of my death. Enzo is many things, but stupid is not one of them. Now that you know the truth of my past, it is time for you to hear another truth that you will not want to know. Enzo was responsible for the murder of your wife’s family. He told your wife, and she could not live with the knowledge that she had the child of her family’s murderer growing within her stomach. She could not live with that knowledge—or with the hate she saw when you stared at her after you saw that video.”

  “Would it not be kinder to use a knife and just finish me?”

  “I did not come here to finish you, Nero. I came to make sure that you become what you must be. Brutality, in this world, must be answered in kind. I tried to explain it to you last time we met, but you didn’t understand. You weren’t ready. It’s time, Nero. Embrace the darkness that you hide from. I see the hatred in your eyes. I see the need for vengeance. Now what you must ask yourself is whether you have the strength to do what must be done.”


  “We shall see. Now I will tell you the rest.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? What more could there be?”

  “There is always more, Nero. First, I will tell you about Maria Salvatici.”

  “The woman the Enzo is supposed to marry? I already have plans to go to her family and warn them.”

  “It’s too late for that now. Your brother never had any intention of marrying Maria—in fact, she was already supposed to be dead. An attempt was made on her life. Enzo was clearing the way to take me as his bride. Instead of dying, though, Maria escaped with her life—though not her purity. Your brother plans to denounce her as a whore and destroy her so that he can keep her dowry when it is proven that she is no longer pure. He will not live long enough to accomplish this. I will not see that child hurt any more than she has been already.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing. Maria is my responsibility. I will see to it that she receives justice. I’m only telling you about her so that you do not make the mistake of having anything to do with the Salvatici family. Who you will be dealing with yourself is Juliet Franzese and your sister Caterina. Focus your attention on them. Those two women are more dangerous than you can possibly imagine. To secure your family after Enzo’s death, you must kill them.”

  “I’ll gladly deal with Juliet and Caterina, but Enzo is also mine.”

  “No, Nero. He isn’t. You have no idea of the depths of his depravity and or the evil that your brother is capable of creating.”

  “He murdered my parents, raped my wife, and murdered her family. Why the hell do you think that I will allow you to be the one to kill him?”

  “You allow me nothing—and that is why you would not be able to kill him, Nero. The fact that you would allow instead of take shows that you still feel. You still see right and wrong in terms of black and white when the world is littered in gray. You could not even see the traitor within your own family.”

  “You’re wrong. I’ve killed everyone who worked for Enzo.”

  “Enzo, yes—but not Juliet. Did you honestly think that Anthony couldn’t have given you what you needed to find my identity? He knows who I am—he’s been helping Enzo track me. Juliet is smarter than anyone gives her credit for. She’s the one who convinced Enzo to take Jenny. She’s the one who recorded it all, and she’s the one who made sure you received it. She turned Anthony almost as soon as he arrived. He believes that he’ll be the next boss of the Genovese family. He’s too stupid to realize that his life is only as good as his usefulness. Juliet knows about me and has for a long time. She uses her knowledge to fan Caterina’s jealousy to control her and feed her the information that she needs. Juliet has been positioning herself to take control of the Genovese family for years. Her allies within the cartel are simply waiting for the right moment to make a move. Once I kill Enzo, they’ll openly back her and she will seize control. If you wish to sit at the head of the Genovese family once again, you must make your move soon. Though I would first suggest that you ‘visit’ the lawyers at Greenburg, Greenburg and Lavowich and make sure that your brother’s affairs are in order.”

  “How long do I have?”

  “Enzo has a celebration planned for the day before he destroys Maria. You have until then.”

  “Why should you care whether Juliet seizes control of my family? You have every reason to wish us all dead, but this is the second time that you have helped me.”

  “I am not a moral woman, Nero. Nor do I pretend to be. The things I have done…there is no redemption for them, nor do I seek it. I’m here because once I am finished with my work, others will still be left behind. Left behind to live in this world. Our world is dark and evil enough without the evil those two would bring to it.”

  “Why don’t you kill them yourself?”

  “Because it is not my place, Nero—it is yours. You will never truly lead your family until you show that you will allow no one to take it from you. If I killed Juliet and Caterina, you would never be secure in your position. An assassination would come in a day, a year, or maybe even ten—and that would lead back to the original problem of your family being an unknown factor.” Standing up, she walked to the patio doors. “Bury your guilt, Nero. It will do no one any good. The choice of is yours—your family can survive, or not. I can no longer save you. It’s time for you to save yourself.”

  With that, she disappeared the way she had come.

  Going back to the window where he had been standing when she arrived, Nero glanced down at the ring on his finger. Then he looked out again with new purpose.

  Chapter 13

  “Happy birthday, Tori! Welcome home!” Nero said as she walked through the door. Rose had gone to pick her up. Taking her in his arms, he hugged her stiff form. Pulling back, she smiled sadly up at Nero while her eyes darted around the room as if she expected someone to jump out at her. Taking a step back, Nero looked at Rose. She gazed helplessly at her beloved granddaughter. Knowing that he couldn’t put off the inevitable, he said, “Rose and Tori, will you join me in the study? I have something I have to tell you.”

  He turned and walked to the study, where Matteo was waiting.

  Going straight to his desk, Nero sat and waited for them to be seated as well. Looking at Matteo, Nero shook his head.

  That asshole’s been smiling nonstop since word came last night.

  Pulling his attention away from Matteo, Nero let a grim smile form on his lips as he said the words. “There is no point in drawing this out: Enzo is dead.”

  “When?” Rose asked in shock.

  “Last night. Enzo fell over at his pre-engagement dinner. The doctor that he had on staff said it was a heart attack from a preexisting condition.”

  “How can that be, at his age?”

  “Rose, it doesn’t matter. The death certificate is issued. Tomorrow we will be heading to the law offices of Greenburg, Greenburg and Lavowich for the reading of Enzo’s will.”

  “Enzo would never hav
e left anything to you or Tori.”

  “Yet we have all been invited…” Nero said, smiling a real smile.

  The meeting with those shitty lawyers was so extremely satisfying. The fuckers actually thought that they had gotten away with their betrayal because I didn’t strike at them right away.

  Nero had spent years gathering what he needed to take them down. Using the information he had gathered, he had “persuaded” them to do the right thing in regards to Enzo’s will.

  They actually thought that they were just going to go back to business as usual. They had no clue what was coming.

  Before Rose could ask anything else, Tori spoke. “Nero, is he really dead?” she asked hesitantly, as if she was afraid to say the words.

  Hating the fear and hope he saw her wearing in her eyes, Nero told her softly but firmly, “I swear, Tori. He’s dead. It isn’t a mistake.”

  “Thank god,” she said just as softly. Then she stood and left the office.

  “Nero, do you know what really happened?” Rose asked as soon as Tori was gone.

  “Let it go, Rose. Much like the circumstances surrounding my father’s death, it should just be let go,” he told her, knowing that she would understand. “Why don’t you go get Tori settled? Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day.”

  “Yes, I’ll go get Tori settled. Then I’ll start making the arrangements for Enzo.”

  “Don’t bother. I won’t waste my time acting like I’m sorry he’s dead. I’d let the county bury him except I want to put him next to his father so the Devil knows right where he is. I want the two of them to burn in hell together.”

  “Nero, appearances must be kept up.”

  “Fuck appearances, Rose. Just be grateful I’m not going to stake him through the heart and cut off his head before I have him dumped in the ground.”

  “Really, Nero…?”

  “Yes. Really, Rose.”

  “Fine. Let me go deal with Tori while the two of you continue your plotting,” Rose harrumphed before sweeping out of the room.