Nero Read online

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  Each day, he buried himself in school and work so he didn’t have to deal with shit at home. Jenny had been broken since the day her family had died, and nothing he tried to do had fixed her. They slept together in the same bed, but that was it. When they first were married Nero had tried sex with her, but there was something very unappealing about having sex with a woman who just laid there. He had hoped that the loving woman that she had once been would come back, but when she hadn’t he began going to women who actually enjoyed the act instead of just bearing it in silence. Each time he went to another woman for what he would rather have had his wife provide, Nero realized his mistake in marrying her. Jenny provided nothing that he imagined a wife would. She didn’t cook, didn’t clean, and didn’t speak unless it was to ask for more pills. He had hoped to have what his mother had found with Chris—a friend and companion. Someone to share his happiness and sorrow with. A woman to share a family and home with. Instead he got a zombie junkie who couldn’t comfort his sisters or help his grandmother prepare his parents’ wake. Nero knew deep down that he had to do something about his wife, but unfortunately for him marriage meant sticking to the vow “Till death do you part.” Each day he stayed with Jenny he realized they had never truly been together and were, in fact, already parted.

  Chapter 7

  The wake had been a trial of Nero’s patience. Enzo had been there, as expected. He acted his part to perfection—the bereaved son. Those who had come to pay their respects were divided in three camps. They either stood with Enzo, with Nero, or were still undecided about who to support and were waiting to see who would be strong enough to seize control. The gathering was attended by everyone who had been at the funeral, so members of powerful families were all there. Those who had called Chris ally, friend, or even hidden enemy now stood in his home. Nero waited to see what the close proximity would reveal. The only reason Nero had agreed to having a wake at all was because Anthony needed a way to meet Enzo. Moving through the crowd, Nero watched everything without letting it look to others like he was.

  He gradually made his way toward Rose, who sat like a queen in the receiving room. Nero watched as she charmed potential allies while keeping Victoria, Caterina, and Jenny close. She was doing her part—now Anthony had to do his. Motioning to Matteo, he moved to one side and waited for him.

  As soon as Matteo was close enough not to be overheard, he spoke. “Enzo’s taken the bait. He’s sent Franzese to talk to Anthony.”

  “Good. What else have you learned?”

  “Enzo’s cocky. Way too cocky. We’re missing something, Nero.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve heard that several families who were leaning toward supporting us have changed their minds. Promises have been made that Enzo doesn’t have the capital or resources to fulfill. Whatever he’s planning, he already had in play.”

  Fuck. That’s a problem.

  The whole point in sending Anthony in was to stop Enzo before he could make his move. Nero began to open his mouth in reply, but he froze when he saw a group of people who shouldn’t have been there. Pushing off the wall, Nero motioned to Matteo to follow him. He marched over to a man he had always thought of as a squint-eyed fuck. He had never liked him, so didn’t even try to be polite now. “Why are you here, Bullock? Our appointment is set for next week.”

  “Mr. Genovese, we are here with a warrant to search the rooms of Victoria Genovese and Caterina Genovese, as well as the house’s common areas.”

  Ripping the papers from the cocky cop’s hand, Nero scanned them.

  What the fuck is going on? Fucking cops.

  Scanning the document, he could see that it was legit. Looking to stairs, he saw that his men were blocking cops from climbing them to the second floor.

  Seeing this, Bullock stepped forward, got in Nero’s face, and grinned. “We will arrest anyone who interferes.”

  “My men are not interfering, detective. But they are going to accompany yours. Want to make sure that you find the right place,” Nero told him before nodding to his guys.

  “Fine, but they are not to interfere in any way.”

  Fucking putz. I hope you remember how the food chain really works, motherfucker.

  But instead of walking away with them, Bullock stayed right in Nero’s face, a taunting smile on his lips.

  Something’s wrong. Why does the fucker seem so sure of himself? How the fuck had he gotten a warrant without us knowing about it, anyway?

  The cops couldn’t have been up there five minutes before two came hurrying down. Rushing over to Bullock, they whispered into his ear. Nero swore that the fucker’s eyes lit up with joy when he turned and walked with a group of his men the few feet it took to reach Rose and the girls.

  Stopping in front of them, Bullock said words Nero’s brain just couldn’t comprehend. “Victoria Genovese, you are under arrest for the murders of Adriana Abandonato, Christopher Abandonato, and Thomas Caivano. You have the right…”

  Staring, Nero watched as Tori was read her rights and cuffed. Rose followed her as she was led from the house, and he could hear her telling Tori not to talk to them. He turned and watched the cops walk out of the house with evidence bags. Not one word passed his sister’s lips, though. She stared blankly ahead in the back of the cop car as they drove her away.

  Hardening his stance, Nero told Matteo to clear the house. He could feel distrust and speculation coming from the “mourners,” and knew that until he figured out what the fuck was going on there would be no way to salvage the mess his family had suddenly become. Heading straight for his office, Nero picked up the phone and called the lawyers, telling them to get their asses down to the station.

  Hanging up, he went to the window.

  This can’t be happening. There’s just no way Tori did this.

  He didn’t know how long he stood there, staring aimlessly out, before the click of the door told him someone was there.

  “Nero, she didn’t do this,” Rose said, echoing his thoughts.

  Before Nero had a chance to speak, Matteo did. “The house is clear.”

  Nero looked over his shoulder, alerted by the tone of his voice. “What do you mean?”

  “Caterina is gone.”

  “What do you mean she’s gone? Where did she go?”

  “We don’t know.”

  What the fuck is going on?

  “Find her.”

  “Nero, there’s something else.”

  “What the fuck else could there be?”

  “I tried to get ahold of our inside man at the DA’s office to find out why he didn’t warn us about this.”


  “It seems his body was found a couple of hours ago, floating in the river. One shot, to the back of the head.”

  “Pull up the tapes of the house. I want to know who was upstairs planting that shit in Tori’s room.”

  “I already tried them—blank. The cameras were all down, just like the night of the murders. Also, I’ve been going through the footage from the whole last year. The guesthouse cameras and the exterior cameras have all stopped recording periodically.”

  “Who’s supposed to be checking the footage?”


  “Where is he?”

  “He’s been out sick for the last three days—and he didn’t show up today.”

  “Send someone to his place to pick him up.”

  “I already did.”

  “Put the house on lockdown. No one in or out. Also, I want a team in here to sweep the house top to bottom.”

  The ringing of the phone stopped their conversation. When Nero picked it up, he exploded.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Do whatever you have to do to get it thrown out.”

  “My sister didn’t kill my parents.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Listen, motherfucker, I’ll be at your office within an hour.”

  Slamming the phone down, Nero looked at Rose. “Get yo
ur lawyers down to the precinct—now.”

  “Nero, what’s going on?”

  “The cops have a video confession of Tori admitting to the murders.”

  “That’s impossible! Why would our lawyers have let Victoria speak with the police?”

  “The lawyers just told me that they will no longer be representing me or my sister and that they need all of us at their office for the reading of the wills.”

  “Nero, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, Rose. Matteo, half the guys are coming with us. You stay here with the rest of our guys and secure the property. No one gets in or out.”

  “Nero, you know that Enzo has to be behind this.”

  “Yeah, I know, Matteo. Unfortunately, knowing isn’t going to do shit for us at the moment. The only thing we can do right now is get Tori a new lawyer and get down to our ‘family lawyer’s’ office and find out how far this goes.”

  “Give me five to get everything set.”


  The cops were waiting outside.

  The fuckers are actually standing there with their hands on their guns. And Bullock is really just leaning against the building and smoking a cigarette? No need to ask whose payroll he’s on.

  Motioning to his guys as they approached, Bullock shook his head.

  “Only family, Genovese. You and your grandmother—that’s it. Oh, and Genovese? I’ll accompany you so you don’t get lost.”

  Nero kept his cool, although internally he was calling Bullock a motherfucker. His time would come. For the moment, Nero had a hell of a lot more to worry about than some pissant cop. The first thing Nero noticed when he walked into the station was Enzo, who was wearing his usual cocky smile. The second thing he noticed was where Enzo’s hand was. It was resting on Caterina’s shoulder. As Nero stared at her for a long moment, things that hadn’t made sense before stared to click in his head.

  Oh god. I hope I’m wrong. But that cocky smile she’s wearing is exactly the same as Enzo’s. The same as our father’s.

  Looking at the group of lawyers from their firm, he noticed the top three dogs were in attendance. The senior partners were essentially hiding behind a desk. It wouldn’t save them. When the time came, nothing would save them.

  “Now that we are all here, would everyone please be seated?” asked one of the lawyers, Greenburg, motioning to some chairs.

  Slimy fucking piece of shit can’t even look me in the eye.

  Nero took a chair next to Rose while Enzo and Caterina sat across from them. Bullock and a couple of his lackeys were scattered around the room.

  “We have all been gathered for the reading of the wills of Christopher Abandonato and Adriana Abandonato.”

  “If we’re here for the reading on my parents’ wills, why the audience, Greenburg?” Nero asked coldly.

  “Mr. Abandonato felt that it would be a wise precaution, Mr. Genovese,” the lawyer replied.

  “Yeah, I’m sure it was one of Chris’s last wishes to have cops at the reading of his will. Let’s get this farce over with, you slimebag.”

  “Mr. Genovese, the law firm of Greenburg, Greenburg and Lavowich is a prestigious firm, and I resent your insinuation that there have been any improprieties,” he said primly before opening the folder sitting on the desk. “Now, if there is nothing else, let us proceed. It has been determined through police forensics that Christopher Abandonato died before Adriana Abandonato.” This was news to Nero since the fire had left nothing but charred corpses. “Now, Mr. Abandonato left all worldly assets to his wife, Adriana Abandonato, in his will. Mrs. Abandonato similarly left all her worldly assets to her husband, with a clause stating that in the event of her husband’s death all property, jewelry, business interests, insurance policies, and all other assets—totaling the sum of four hundred and fifty-two million dollars, per our law firm’s appraisal—is to be split equally between just two of her children. Caterina Genovese and Enzo Genovese.”


  “Enzo Genovese is also given custody of the minor Caterina Genovese, while the minor Victoria Genovese is left in the care of Nero Genovese.”

  Nero stood up slowly, and was gratified when he saw that the motion made the lawyer behind the desk freeze.

  Yeah, the fucker should be afraid—but now isn’t the time.

  Holding his hand out to Rose, she took it. Rose’s usual calm facade, the one she always showed their enemies, couldn’t hide the anger that vibrated through her grip to his.

  “Mr. Genovese, I am not finished.”

  “We are,” Nero coldly clipped out.

  Ignoring Nero, he continued to speak while Bullock blocked the door.

  “As I was saying, all property—including your parents’ home, which you are currently occupying—now belongs to Enzo and Caterina Genovese. Due to the bad blood that Mr. Genovese feels that you harbor toward him, it is in his best interest that you, your wife, and your grandmother vacate the property immediately. Mr. and Ms. Genovese, along with the police, will accompany you back to the house to make sure that only your personal property is removed.”

  Bad blood? Is he fucking kidding?

  Without bothering to answer, Nero pulled Rose forward while he pushed Bullock out of the way. Once they were in his car, Nero wasted no time in pulling out his phone and calling Matteo.

  “Get all the files in Chris’s office and everything in the safe off the property. Enzo’s made his move. You have forty-five minutes to clear everything out.” Hitting the “End” button, he had to stop himself from throwing the phone.

  Jesus Christ. This is worse than I could possibly have imagined.

  Looking over at Rose, who was already on the phone with her lawyers, he gritted his teeth.

  What the fuck else is going on?

  Slowly, she set the phone down in her lap. “They have a witness to the murders.”

  “Who?” Nero demanded.

  “Caterina,” Rose whispered softy.

  No. This can’t be happening.

  Clearing her throat, Rose continued. “With the evidence recovered, Victoria’s taped confession, and now this, the lawyers say that the DA’s office wants to try her as an adult. They’ll be seeking the death penalty.”


  Stepping through the front door, Juliet felt satisfaction. She was home again.

  It’s all working. Everything I planned is working.

  Ignoring Enzo’s screams and curses, which she could hear echoing through the downstairs, Juliet went straight up to her old bedroom. She knew there would be time to deal with whatever was bothering him later. For now, she wanted to savor her victory. The only thing that could have made this any better for her would have been being there when Nero was thrown out of the house.

  Oh yes, it would have been amazing to have watched him leave. But I’m smarter than that. There’s no need to turn Nero’s eye on me. No, better Nero forget about me—until it’s too late.

  Reaching her door, she felt an ecstasy fill her. She was home. Reaching out, Juliet gripped the doorknob and pushed it open.

  The bitch changed it!

  Her deep reds and golds had been changed to muted blues. Her furniture was gone. Everything was gone. Rage filled her until she realized again where she was standing. Looking around, she laughed and laughed.

  Oh, it’s gone, but I can return it to the way it was—Adriana and Nero are the ones who are gone forever.

  Good humor restored, she left the room and wandered to the master bedrooms. Julius and Adriana had separate rooms during their marriage, though Abandonato and Adriana had shared Adriana’s.

  When she saw who was in Adriana’s room, though, she had to act quickly to cover her annoyance. “Caterina dear, what are you doing?”

  “Just looking at what I’m going to have to change. My mother had atrocious taste,” Caterina said, fingering the comforter on the bed before turning to the jewelry boxes. “Though Chris had excellent taste in jewelry. If a little understated.”

  “Planning on moving in, dear?”

  “Of course. Now that I am mistress of the house, I deserve this room.”

  “Are you sure Enzo is going to allow it, dear? I mean, when he finally marries I’m sure that his wife will be staying here.”

  Rage filled Catarina’s eyes at the thought of another woman usurping her place.

  Oh, the truths of life the child will have to learn in dealing with a man like Enzo.

  “Well, Juliet, how does it feel to be back in my father’s house?” Caterina asked instead of answering her.

  “Lovely, my dear. It is quite good to be home.”

  “Home, Juliet? I think not. This is our home—Enzo’s and mine. You are a guest, and like any good guest you should mind your manners.” Looking at her from under her lashes, Caterina continued in a sly voice. “Well, not quite a guest. I mean, when you were here last you stayed as my father’s whore. Now, though, you are Enzo’s employee.”

  “Of course, my dear. I meant nothing by the comment,” Juliet said, smoothly covering her hatred.

  The little bitch. They always think they’re better than me. Even Julius thought that his family name was better.

  Before she was forced to say anything else, they were interrupted.

  “Juliet, Enzo wants you downstairs. Now.” Nodding to Enzo’s man, Juliet smoothed her expression and followed him. Once they were out of earshot, he murmured softly, “Stop letting her antagonize you. You’re smarter than that. Think of the big picture.”

  Reaching out, she let her fingers graze his hand to let him know that she had heard him. He was right, as much as it galled her to admit. Under her lashes, she watched him walk away as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Later, she’d get him alone and show him her appreciation. Turning her mind from pleasure to business again, Juliet put on a bland smile and went to find Enzo. Stopping just inside the door of the study, she swept the room with her eyes. The place was in a shambles. Papers had been thrown around the room.

  And Enzo stood in the middle of it all with a gun pointed at a man’s head.

  “You had one fucking job,” Enzo said coldly.

  “Sir, please. We didn’t know what Matteo was doing!” the man begged.