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  As soon as her father had found out that she was pregnant he married her to the first man that would take her Paulie Barzette. There had been no one to help her get away. She had pushed the one person who would have stood up for her away. Angie would never have allowed it had she known.

  The piece of shit that her father had purchased for her was all kind smiles and friendliness right up until the doors closed and the world was gone. She had thought that she had suffered all forms of humiliation but she had been wrong. At least before it hadn’t been at the hands of the person that was supposed to protect her. She had lost the baby a month ago. The last beating that the piece of shit had given her had been one to many. She had been so far along that she had almost bled out before getting to the hospital. The bastard had left her bleeding and alone when he was finished. Had she not crawled to the phone and dialed 911 she wouldn’t be standing here.

  The fucker had stood at her hospital bed playing the concerned husband when she woke up. The cops that were waiting to take her statement were on his family’s payroll and he told them that someone must have broken in. A robbery went bad. They never asked her one question just nodded their head at his words and left her alone with the monster. With the gentlest of hands he touched her face and told her that her family was outside and if she didn’t tell them that story than it would be worse for her. She wanted to laugh. Worse. Nodding her head that she understood she watched as she let them in. He was a superb actor. If she hadn’t known than she would have believed him. With dead eyes she stared at her family that walked in. Her father, her brothers Lucca, Dom, Nico and Dom’s wife Tori. Fucking Tori had the nerve to come to her bed side and take her hand. That piece of shit’s family was the reason that she was laying here now. Every evil act ever done to her could be laid at the feet of her family. Raising her eyes Maria looked passed them to the door. Angie stood there. For a long moment Angie stared at her before turning her back and walking away. Maria knew that the things she had said to her had been horrible but when she turned from her Maria just wished she had just died. Her last hope had just left her.

  The hospital had kept her for a long time. She had refused to eat right up until the day that the police walked in and told her that her husband was dead. No one knew what happened. What had been left of him had been found in his car. A burned cinder. After that she did whatever the hospital said she had to too leave. Her family with the exception of Angie had come to see her but she ignored them. There was nothing that she had to say to them. The Barzette family couldn’t give two shits what happened to her. She had been married to a cousin because while they wanted the relationship with her family they weren’t willing to soil there main sons with a whore. Now standing at the grave she just wished the priest would hurry up. Paulie’ s mother wept and screamed for her piece of shit son. She even had the nerve to blame Maria for his death. Staring across the grave at her family Maria’s anger only grew. Her father actually expected her to come home with them. Like hell she would. Those people were nothing to her. They who stood with the Genovese family. Her blood had the very nerve to stand with the family that destroyed her.

  A darkness spread through her that she fought to keep at bay. A few more moments and she would be free. Just a few. When the priest said the final words and the people stepped forward to throw flowers on the casket she moved. Cutting them off she pulled the rings that had bound her to hell from her finger and threw them on the casket. Shocked gasps sounded but she could care less. Head high she walked away towards the waiting cab. Climbing in she told him to take her to the airport and didn’t look back.

  Angelica (The Family book 1)

  Family is many things to many people but in one woman’s world family means




  These words are the meaning to life in her world. When these words are not followed there is only one other word that you must know


  For Angelica it is the only word that has held any meaning in her life for ten years. Taught at an early age that disloyalty equals death and that blood is to be answered with blood she seeks vengeance for the deaths of those she loved.

  Always alone she has been careful to stay free of emotional ties until her life takes an unexpected turn. Unfortunately like everything in her life it has consequences. Consequences that can only be answered with blood. As her past and future collide together Angelica must face her past once and for all if she has any chance at a future and happiness that she never dared hope for. She must do it quickly before she sinks further into the darkness and becomes the very thing that she hunts.

  Dominic (The Family Book 2)

  Sometime blood cannot be trusted

  Sometimes family means nothing

  Sometimes loyalty is tested

  Dominic thought that nothing could come between him and the family until one woman did.

  As war looms near Dominic must make a choice protect the woman that he was supposed to kill or save the family that he swore to protect.